Introducing "Reglas para una lluvia de ideas" (Rules for a brainstorming session), my 4th solo exhibition

"Reglas para una lluvia de ideas" (Rules for a brainstorm session) The exhibition is on display at the Sergio Pitol Hall of the Casa de la Cultura, Puebla during October and November 2022.

Rules for a brainstorming session
María Eugenia Jiménez Melo

Luis Ricardo is an obsessive draftsman, a bit out of the norm, he draws to concentrate, he has an attention disorder and since he remembers he needs to do something so as not to escape from what is there and must be attended to, so he draws, he lands.

The drawings we see here have no chronological order nor are they titled or dated, they are not works, they are moments of attention, they are here and now. So what we see is the result of Luis Ricardo's action of paying attention, not "his drawings"; we see the rain of ideas-images that are generated in him when he pays attention.
"Reglas para una lluvia de ideas"

Grand opening, October 2022

Luis Ricardo

This sample of Luis Ricardo's analog work is an experience of unanswered questions, like when the wave just went away, what was it about? It is an emotional mental process. They are not sketches, he is not planning anything, nor looking to imitate the image of something around him. These are drawings to land back to earth.  Luis Ricardo has a filmmaker's training, perhaps that is why the eyes of his characters are the only thing that remains precise in the midst of a chaos of lines, and more than the eyes, the look.  The expressions of his characters are those of someone who is realizing something and that makes them so challenging, it makes them complex because they are not easy or friendly. 
Luis Ricardo digital drawing.
Now dedicated to the NFT'S his plastic work began in an analogous way, covering sheets of notebooks and in one of them we read "rules for a brainstorming" but there were no rules, only lines, a body of work without rules, more like a rain, of drawings, of eyes, of ink scratches and stains.

The intention of this show is to make an observation of a way of working, and to impregnate the exhibition room with that way of working.
"Rules for a brainstorming session" is the second of three exhibitions curated for the Secretary of Culture with the intention of showing proposals of local creators that deserve our attention. 

Big event, it was

Clever move: paper artworks directly fixed onto the 17th century wall


Reglas para una lluvia de ideas en E-consulta

A fin de promover la creatividad de artistas poblanos, la Secretaría de Cultura inauguró la exposición “Reglas para una lluvia de ideas” de Luis Ricardo Ramos y la obra pictórica “Mono” de la pintora Amalia Buergo, en la Casa de la Cultura “Profesor Pedro Ángel Palou Pérez”, las cuales estarán vigentes durante octubre.

En la sala Sergio Pitol están expuestos alrededor de 80 dibujos de pequeño formato, seis libretas, una intervención al muro y una pieza de arte objeto de Luis Ricardo, quien inició de forma análoga con el tapiz de hojas de cuadernos. Sus obras son distinguidas por las líneas, los trazos de ojos, rayones de tinta y manchas.

La entrada a las exposiciones es gratuita en la Casa de la Cultura “Profesor Pedro Ángel Palou Pérez”, ubicada en la calle 5 Oriente, número 5, del Centro Histórico de Puebla. Las y los interesados en estas u otras exposiciones pueden consultar las redes sociales: Secretaría de Cultura Puebla (Facebook) y @CulturaGobPue (Twitter).



El analfabeta político / Bertolt Brecht